Rezultati iskalnika Priljubljeni
Rukavac (Vis) » A-8839-b

Enosobni apartma S teraso in pogledom na morje Rukavac, Vis | A-8839-b

5,0/5 (Odlično, izvrstno priporočilo)
550 m
Akcija 14=13 na bivanje do 31. dec. 2024 -10% - First Minute popust na rezervacije prejete do 31. okt. 2024

Apartma lahko sprejme 2 gostov. Ležišča so razporejena v spalnice katerih je 1, znotraj 25m2. Gosti lahko uživajo v pogledu na morje z lastne terase. Dovoljeno je pripravljati hrano z uporabo skupnega žara. Čez teraso rezervirane namestitvene enote imajo prehod drugi gosti ali lastnik.

  • Apartma
    Površina: 25 m2 + 26 m2 (2 x terasa)
    Zmogljivost: 2
    Nadstopje: 1
  • Jedilnica
    5 m2
    Izhod na teraso
  • Kuhinja
    3 m2
    Kuhinjsko korito
    Hladilnik z zmrzovalnikom
  • Spalnica
    11 m2
    Klimatska naprava
    1 x Zakonska postelja
  • Kopalnica
    4 m2
  • Terasa 1
    16 m2
    Pogled na morje
    Zaščita pred soncem
  • Terasa 2
    10 m2
    Pogled na morje
    Zaščita pred soncem
  • Dostop
    Možen dostop z avtomobilom
  • Plaže
    Med objektom in plažo je glavna cesta
    Med objektom in plažo je lokalna cesta
    Prodnata (Oddaljenost 550 m)
    Peščena (zračna razdalja: 2000m)
  • Okolje
    Manjše mesto
    Vis - 10 km
    Objekt se nahaja poleg lokalne ceste
    Objekt se nahaja v mirnem okolju

Posebni pogoji


Cene | €83 - €106

V enakem objektu

Hiša 8839 v mestu Rukavac, Vis - Srednja Dalmacija ima namestitvene enote tipa Apartma (3) in je oddaljena 550 m od morja. Najbližja plaža temu objektu je prodnata. Objekt je razdeljen na več namestitvenih enot, v katerih bodo v času vašega letovanja verjetno bivali tudi drugi gosti. Domačini v času vašega bivanja stanujejo v objektu.

10 km (Vis) 550 m 550 m

Raziščite dodatno vsebine:

Plaža Namestitev
Povprečna ocena računa se kakor povprečje ocene gostov zadnja 3 leta: 5,00 Namestitev 5,00 Lastnik 5,00
18. avg. 2024

Stanovanje je bilo točno tako, kot je opisano. Gostitelji so preprosto super, prijazni in ustrežljivi v vseh zadevah. Obiskali smo različne plaže. Stiniva peš je super. Bile so super počitnice, vrnili bi se kadar koli

Die Ferienwohnung war genau, wie beschrieben. DieHausherren einfach Super, freundlich und hilfsbereit in allen Angelegenheiten. Srände haben wir verschiedene besucht. Stiniva zu Fuß ist der Hammer. Es war ein super Urlaub, wir würden jederzeit wieder hinfahren

Več o tem
Namestitev: 5 Lastnik: 5
28. avg. 2023

Najprej naj pohvalimo naše gostitelje, ki so bili zelo prijazni, še enkrat hvala za vse! Apartma je zelo lep in udoben, predvsem pa zelo čist. Nahaja se na odlični lokaciji s čudovitim pogledom na morje. Vsako priporočilo za to stanovanje in za čudovite gostitelje.

Pre svega da pohvalimo nase domacine, koji su bili preljubazni, jos jednom hvala vam na svemu ! Apartman je mnogo lep i udoban i pre svega jako cist. Nalazi se na odlicnoj lokaciji sa divnim pogledom na more. Svaka preporuka za ovaj apartman i za divne domacine .

Več o tem
Namestitev: 5 Lastnik: 5
2. avg. 2023

Kar naredi kraj zanimiv, so terase in pogled na morje, mir in prijaznost lastnikov! Sanjska plaža v bližini, ne povem pa kje! Hvala Feryju in njegovi ženi za dobrodošlico in razpoložljivost!

Ce qui fait l'intérêt du lieu, ce sont les terrasses et la vue sur la mer, la tranquillité et la gentillesse des propriétaires !une plage de rêve tout près mais là je ne dirai pas où ! Merci à Fery et a son épouse pour leur accueil et leur disponibilité !

Več o tem
Namestitev: 5 Lastnik: 5
27. jul. 2022

Preprosto… lepo!!! Čudovita namestitev, lepa terasa z razgledom!!! Upajmo, da se naslednje leto spet vrnemo tja.

Jednoduše… nádhera!!! Krasne ubytovani, krásná terasa s výhledem!!! Snad se tam příští rok vrátíme.

Več o tem
Namestitev: 5 Lastnik: 5
3. avg. 2021

Zelo čisto in zelo lepo stanovanje. Pogled s terase je neprecenljiv, spektakel. Domačinka je bila zelo prijazna in ustrežljiva.

Appartamento pulitissimo e molto carino. Impagabile la vista dalla terrazza, uno spettacolo. La padrona di casa è stata molto gentile e disponibile.

Več o tem
Namestitev: 4 Lastnik: 4
A-8839-a Dekleva Uros

At our arrival, without any greeting the first thing the owner said was - good that they (the booking agency – like they get to choose) sent us younger people, usually they send us only old ones. What!?! He obviously wanted to break the ice…with a prejudicial remark. His wife on the other hand, demanded we pay immediately…” this is our livelihood, you know…” The room. (Naturally, we didn’t get the top floor room (more privacy) that we reserved and double checked with the agency, the owner remarked that room is extremely luxurious (…) and thus more expensive) So, the room… small with a small bed (150x190 cm – 60x75 in). In the bathroom there wasn’t any towel rings, hangers or storage space whatsoever. In the kitchen, there were only two small dessert plates stored inside the cabinets and cutlery for 2. The AC is allowed to run up to 8 hours/day with the windows and doors closed (notice on the front door). The AC ducts produced an annoying screeching noise, but according to the lady of the house no one has yet complained about it…in other words, piss off (no, they didn’t bother to look, if there’s something that could be done). The remote control had dead batteries inside, so we had to buy new ones. There were two pillows on the bed, one being completely inappropriate, so we asked, if we could get it replaced, the answer was… go and buy yourself a new one, if you want. Same with the hair dryer i.e. the lack of it. In the meantime, the owner kept us up to date with his entrepreneurial and other endeavors every day for a couple of hours, speaking loudly through the speakerphone with his pals. In the evenings he set up a karaoke machine for himself (mainly) and his friends, howling the night away with plenty of self-praise. He also exposed the rest of his (not so) hidden prejudices.

At our arrival, without any greeting the first thing the owner said was - good that they (the booking agency – like they get to choose) sent us younger people, usually they send us only old ones. What!?! He obviously wanted to break the ice…with a prejudicial remark. His wife on the other hand, demanded we pay immediately…” this is our livelihood, you know…” The room. (Naturally, we didn’t get the top floor room (more privacy) that we reserved and double checked with the agency, the owner remarked that room is extremely luxurious (…) and thus more expensive) So, the room… small with a small bed (150x190 cm – 60x75 in). In the bathroom there wasn’t any towel rings, hangers or storage space whatsoever. In the kitchen, there were only two small dessert plates stored inside the cabinets and cutlery for 2. The AC is allowed to run up to 8 hours/day with the windows and doors closed (notice on the front door). The AC ducts produced an annoying screeching noise, but according to the lady of the house no one has yet complained about it…in other words, piss off (no, they didn’t bother to look, if there’s something that could be done). The remote control had dead batteries inside, so we had to buy new ones. There were two pillows on the bed, one being completely inappropriate, so we asked, if we could get it replaced, the answer was… go and buy yourself a new one, if you want. Same with the hair dryer i.e. the lack of it. In the meantime, the owner kept us up to date with his entrepreneurial and other endeavors every day for a couple of hours, speaking loudly through the speakerphone with his pals. In the evenings he set up a karaoke machine for himself (mainly) and his friends, howling the night away with plenty of self-praise. He also exposed the rest of his (not so) hidden prejudices.

Več o tem
Namestitev: 1 Lastnik: 1

Dear guests, the house owner would like to point out that all dissatisfaction began on the arrival date, when You were saying that You did not book the one-bedroom apartment, but the two-bedroom apartment. The owner contacted the agency to double check which apartment was booked, where we checked everything and confirmed that Mr Dekleva in fact booked the one-bedroom apartment. The owner is very sorry about the situation. To all our guests, without imposition, we want to maximize satisfaction and help them feel welcomed and to have a pleasant stay.

Dragi gostje, lastnik hiše želi opozoriti, da se je vse nezadovoljstvo začelo z datumom prihoda, ko ste govorili, da niste rezervirali enosobnega stanovanja, temveč dvosobnega. Lastnik se je obrnil na agencijo, da je preveril, katero stanovanje je bilo rezervirano, kjer smo vse preverili in potrdili, da je gospod Dekleva v resnici rezerviral enosobno stanovanje. Lastniku je zelo žal zaradi razmer. Vsem svojim gostom želimo brez nagovarjanja povečati zadovoljstvo in jim pomagati, da se počutijo dobrodošle in da se prijetno bivajo.

Več o tem
21. avg. 2018

Zelo lep apartma z dobrimi objekti na lepi lokaciji. Zelo lep gostoljubni lastnik.:)

Sehr schönes Apartment mit guter Ausstattung in herrlicher Lage. Sehr nette gastfreundliche Vermieter.:)

Več o tem
Namestitev: 5 Lastnik: 5
12. sep. 2016



Več o tem
Namestitev: 5 Lastnik: 5