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Kustići (Pag) » A-6335-e

One bedroom apartment near beach Kustići, Pag | A-6335-e

3.8/5 (Very good, recommended)
10 m
Low Price -10% First Minute discount for bookings received by 31 May 2025

Apartment can accommodate 3 guests. Beds are situated in 1 sleeping rooms, within 22m2. Guests can enjoy a sea view from the private terrace. Food can be prepared using barbecue which is shared with other guests too. This accommodation unit welcomes pets at an additional charge.

  • Apartment
    Area: 22 m2 + 15 m2 (Terrace)
    Capacity: 3
    Semi basement
  • Kitchen
    5 m2
    Dish sink
  • Bedroom
    13 m2
    Air conditioning
    Terrace exit
    1 x Double bed
    1 x Foldaway guest bed
  • Bathroom
    4 m2
  • Terrace
    15 m2
    Sea view
    Sun protection
  • Access
    Car access possible
  • Beaches
    Local road between the property and the beach
    Concrete slabs (Distance 10 m)
    Sand (distance: 11000m)
    Pebble (distance: 120m)
  • Surroundings
    Small place
    Novalja - 9 km
    Facility is situated near a local road
    The facility is not located in quiet surroundings

Specific Features


Prices | €76 - €99

Within the same building

House 6335 in the town of Kustići, Pag - Kvarner has accommodation units of type Apartment (5), Studio flat (1) and is 10 m away from the sea. The nearest beach to this accommodation is a concrete slabs beach. The house is categorized as "Facilities near a beach". As the house is subdivided into multiple apartments, other guests may be present during your stay. The hosts also reside in the house.

9 km (Novalja) 10 m 10 m

Explore the surroundings:

Beach Accommodation
The average rating is calculated from the guests' ratings received in the past 3 years: 3.80 Accommodation 3.70 Host 4.00
19 Sep 2023

Hello, instead of the one announced, we bring 2 pets, we immediately tell the owner that we will pay extra for the second one, after 5 minutes the agency calls about the second pet:S When I ask where the towels, soap, toilet paper are - the answer is that in Kustiči you don't get it:S The house rules, which you get with the voucher, say otherwise, as do the legal regulations for this class of apartment. There is also no weekly change of bed linen. Because we come on vacation to enjoy ourselves, we buy the missing necessities, take advantage of the paid time off, consider extending the vacation if the weather is favorable and the apartment is available, and that's it.

Pozdrav, namesto enega napovedanega, pripeljemo 2 hišna ljubljenčka, lastniku takoj povemo, da bomo doplačali za drugega, ćez 5 minut klic iz agencije zaradi drugega ljubljenčka :S Ko vprašam, kje so brisače, milo, toaletni papir - odgovor, da v Kustičih tega ne dobiš :S Hišni red, ki ga dobiš ob vaucherju pravi drugače, prav tako zakonski predpisi za ta razred apartmana Prav tako tedenska menjava posteljnine ne obstaja. Ker na dopust pridemo uživat, si kupimo manjkajoče potrebščine, izkoristimo plačan termin, odmislimo podaljšanje dopusta ob ugodnem vremenu in razpoložljivosti apartmana, in to je to.

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Accommodation: 2 Host: 2
17 Sep 2023

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Accommodation: 5 Host: 5
31 Jul 2023

The landlord was very nice and accommodating.

Pronajímatel byl velmi milý a vstřícný.

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Accommodation: 2 Host: 4
26 Jul 2023

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Accommodation: 4 Host: 4
22 Jul 2023

Great vacation, just too short. Already, a few days after returning, we miss him.

Super dovolená, jen moc krátká. Už teď, pár dní po návratu se nám stýská.

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Accommodation: 4 Host: 4
28 Jun 2023

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Accommodation: 5 Host: 5
29 Aug 2020

The accommodation can accommodate 5 people, on the other hand there is 4 beds. The owner is not really a friendly friend. For that much money you would expect to have toilet paper, dishwashing liquid, garbage bags, hand soap. the owner did not tell us to open the bottle first. The shallower part of the beach was occupied by the owner's family, so it was quite difficult to get them into the water with a small child. it was the least liked accommodation where we stayed.

A szállás 5 főt tud fogadni,ezzel szemben 4 férőhely van.Tulajdonos nem igazán szolgáltató barát .Ennyi pénzért elvárható lenne,hogy legyen toalett papír ,mosogatószer ,szemeteszsák,kezmososzappan.Felmosashoz egy vödör meg egy rongy van ott.A tűzhelyet próbáltuk használni ,de nem szólt a tulajdonos,hogy a palackot nyissuk ki előbb .A part sekélyebb részét a tulajdonos családja foglalta el,így elég nehéz volt őket kerulgetve pici gyerekkel bejutni a vízbe .A teraszról a napernyő eltűnt több esetben,tehát a tulajdonos bement érte .Eddig talán ez volt a legkevésbé tetsző szálláshely ,ahol meg szálltunk .

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Accommodation: 2 Host: 1
27 Aug 2019

The apartment lacks a baking dish, a glass, the cabinets are damp, the kitchen does not work, the air conditioning is extra charged, the bed is replaced with a yoga mat, otherwise very clean, the terrace is great, the boss is friendly. Surrounded very nicely.8)

V apartmaju manjka posoda za pečenje, kakšen kozarec, v omarah je zatohlo, v kuhinji ne dela luč, za klimo doplačaš, postelja za zamenjat jogi, drugače pa zelo čisto, terasa super, šef prijazen. Okolica zelo lepo urejena. 8)

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Accommodation: 2 Host: 2
1 Sep 2018

Beautiful and clean.

Krásné a čisté.

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Accommodation: 5 Host: 5
19 Sep 2017

The owners are nice, they know German. You need to take a towel or ask.

Szállásadók kedvesek, tudnak németül. Törülközőt vinni kell, vagy kérni.

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Accommodation: 4 Host: 5