
Split: Pricigin Storytelling

Published: 18 Mar 2011

Split is known by its original sport, a favourite beach relaxation – picigin. Just like the bathers of all ages hit the ball and pass it on in the shallow of the most popular beach, Bačvice, a large audience and writers will be “passing on” words at The Festival of Storytelling – Pričigin. This is the fourth year in a row that Split hosts a festival whose relaxed atmosphere and lively interaction with the audience attracts many interested visitors. The Festival is being held in coffee bars and the puppet theatre, with the most popular authors coming to Split to talk on the subject of corruption. Interesting fact is that priests of all religious confessions – Catholic, Orthodox, Muslim and Jewish– will gather in Split for storytelling of some more profane tales. There will also be a book swap – you can take as many meters or kilograms of books as you brought yourself. This is just a part of Pričigin story – the rest will be told in Split from 22nd till 26th of March.

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