
Croatian for Travellers | Useful Words and Phrases

Published: 8 Jul 2016

– meaning ''Welcome'' is one of the words you'll often hear while travelling through Croatia. We've prepared a handy guide for those of you who'd like to learn helpful and useful Croatian expressions that you might hear while on holiday. Book low-cost accommodation in Croatia, check our guide and you'll be just few steps away from a perfect summer holiday.

Greetings in Croatian

 Hello – Zdravo, Bok, Ćao
 Welcome – Dobrodošli
 Good morning – Dobro jutro
 Hello – Dobar dan
 Good evening – Dobra večer
 Good night – Laku noć
 Goodbye – Zbogom, Doviđenja
 Good luck – Sretno

Polite expressions in Croatia

I'm sorry – Oprostite! Ispričavam se! Žao mi je.
Here you are – Izvoli
Thank you very much – Hvala. Hvala lijepa
You're welcome – Nema na čemu

Chit-chat in Croatian

How are you – Kako ste? (formal)
How are you – Kako si? (informal)
I'm fine, thank you – Dobro sam, hvala
What's the time – Koliko je sati?
What's your name – Kako se zoveš? (informal)
What's your name – Kako se zovete? (formal)
My name is – Zovem se ...
Nice to meet you – Drago mi je
Where are you from – Odakle si? (informal)
Where are you from – Odakle ste? (formal)
I'm from – Ja sam iz ...

Three often used expressions

Pomalo – A word often heard in Dalmatia when you want to tell someone to relax and take things easy. The word stands for the general lifestyle in Dalmatia: ''Everything will be ok, just take it easy'' - "Sve će biti dobro, samo pomalo".

Može – An informal expression which stands for every type of agreement or affirmation; for example when someone offers you something or suggests an activity.
''You want an orange juice'' - "Želiš li sok od naranče?" / "Može."
''Wanna go to the beach" - Da odemo na plažu?" / "Može".

Samo malo – If for example you're getting off the bus and you need someone to step aside, you would say: "Samo malo". If you're in a hurry and moving through the crowds, you also say: "Samo malo", and people will step aside to give you space.

 Cheers! – Živjeli! Uzdravlje!
 Bon appetit – Dobar tek!
 I understand – Razumijem
 I don't understand – Ne razumijem
 Yes – Da
 No – Ne
 Maybe – Možda
 I don't know – Ne znam
 Do you speak Croatian – Govoriš li hrvatski? (informal)
 Do you speak Croatian – Govorite li hrvatski? (formal)

 How do you say ..... in Croatian – Kako se kaže ..... na hrvatskom?
 How much does it cost – Koliko je to? Koliko ovo košta?
 Where's the toilet – Gdje je zahod?
 Would you like to dance with me – Bi li htio plesati sa mnom? (when asking a man)
 Would you like to dance with me  – Bi li htjela plesati sa mnom (when asking a woman)
 I love you – Volim te
 Happy birthday – Sretan rođendan!

 Fire! – Požar!
 Leave me alone! – Pustite me na miru!
 Help! – U pomoć!
 Stop! – Stani!

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